Thursday, November 26, 2009


Happy thanksgiving everyone! I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and enjoy your time with your family.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Promise

This goes to all of my readers, I promise you all that I will go out into the world and be the best I can be, I will do my best in college, I will come back from fashion shows being a top designer, travel around the world, make my own clothing line, and have my own retail store. Obviously this isn't going to be something you accomplish in a few years; this will actually take several. I hope that my current supporters are still there to witness my becoming.

Love you guys,

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Haha I'm the "OF" guy. Well I was for just a few minutes.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Back on the wagon

Okay I think it's time I get back into my cycle. I haven't blogged for a while because my mom was in an accident, as some of you know. I wasn't really capable of writing in the situation I was in. My mother was in a rollover in the desert with my best friend/brother, uri. They were on their way to pick up a deer that my dad had killed. Uri came out fine but my mom broke quite a few bones. She broke a couple of ribs on her right, a rear rib on her left, some spine bones, and something around her collar. A doctor said that she was going to need surgery but another doctor said differently. He said that my mom didn't need surgery and she was going to be able to heal up all on her own. I'm glad that nothing worse happened and I still have both of them here with me.